St. Peter Publications
ATC 2014 The Meaning of Evil
ATC 2014 The Meaning of Evil
The 2014 Atlantic Theological Conference was held in Halifax at the University of King's College. (This was the 34th annual conference). "The Meaning of Evil" was the challenging theme being addressed in the papers that were presented. Speakers included Rev'd Dr. Brian Spence, Dr. Robert Kennedy, Dr. Matthew Robinson, Dr. Neil Robertson, and Dr. Daniel Brandes. Dr. Spence spoke on "Disobedience and Idolatry: The meaning of evil in the Bible". Dr. Kennedy spoke on "Augustine and the very possibility of evil". Dr. Robinson spoke about "Aquinas' account of the will's freedom in the De malo", Dr. Robertson's topic was "The Evil 'I': The transformation of evil in the Reformation and Enlightenment", and Dr. Brandes' paper was called "Unpunishable and/so Unforgivable: Hannah Arendt on Radical Evil". Other papers were presented as well, and also responses to the papers, all of which gave interesting and thought-provoking insights into this challenging subject.